Start from Order Scheduling, we trace Sample, Material, Molding & Tooling, Order Accessories, Production, Inspection, Shipment and even Payment. When dealing with several orders at several different factories at the same time, it is not easy to stay abreast of estimated production schedules. Compound that with the fact that factories are often not informative or open when it comes to their own production schedules and orders might be delayed.
Mano Amica China has the capability to constantly check on the status of your company’s orders, accessible to you online 24 hours / day, 7 days / week so you have the knowledge you need to stay on top of all orders.
Mano Amica will contact your suppliers regularly and update your customer login account to inform you about the current situation with your order. If the factory is behind or there is a delay for any reason, a notice will be sent to you. In this case, we provide many action options to push the factory to be on time.
- Order begins
- We enter the order into our database with full projections according to PO and factory info
- Contact supplier at least twice per week and update the information in the system
- Update customer in Weekly Update by email
- Plan inspection at least 1 week in advance (if valid)
Our order follow-up procedures are systematic and action-oriented.
Mano Amica China’s online tracking system
Mano Amica In-Sync is an integral platform to assist you in staying up to date on your orders. It is impossible to calculate how much we have saved our customers over the years by alerting them in advance to problem areas in delivery times. We can do the same for your company.